Heritage Working Group
Chair: Jack Hanna
The Heritage Working Group works with the community and stakeholders to advocate for the preservation and development of Heritage Conservation Districts within Centretown.
Our organizational objectives are:
To create an expanded Dundonald Park Heritage Conservation District (HCD) in the Dundonald Park neighbourhood;
To advocate for the creation of a Golden Triangle HCD;
To review and submit recommendations to the City of Ottawa concerning changes to the city’s classification system for heritage properties;
To ensure that community input is reflected in the revised Minto Park and Centretown Heritage Conservation Plans.
Citizen advocacy has long played in a significant role in heritage planning in Centretown. Nearly half a century ago, a band of Centretown residents came together to advocate for stabilizing and strengthening Centretown as a residential area. With numerous Canadian cities undergoing the widespread demolition of urban residences within their downtown cores, these citizens argued for the preservation of existing houses and recognizing the importance of Centretown’s historic buildings. Our working group will continue to build the efforts made by hundreds of Centretown residents over the years.
Interested in joining this committee? Become a CCA member today and email us heritage@centretowncitizens.ca.

Heritage Working Group Letter to City of Ottawa
In July 2020, the Heritage Working Group send a letter to the City of Ottawa’s Heritage Planning Department with a list of several recommendations.